HW: Hawkwind 97, I'VE GOT IT !!!

Andy Gilham Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM
Mon Feb 1 16:44:51 EST 1999

OK, there's a big overlap with IYA, which invites direct comparisons between
the two.

Where there are overlaps, I think that in most cases I slightly prefer the
IYA versions - certainly the IYA version of "Inferno", Ron sounds a bit
nasal on the HW97 version.  But frankly there's not much in it.  There's a
good Jerry guitar break in the HW97 "Brainstorm" which lifts this version
up, but the "In Your Area" rap ain't as good.  HW97 hangs together as a unit
better, it's a fun "Sonic Attack", and the encore version of "Gremlin" works
well.  Not sure about "Your Fantasy" - it might be someone's fantasy, but
it's not *my* fantasy, you know what I'm saying.  "Keeper of the Reptoid" is
a Rizz rap - the "I think not!" bits are hysterical!  "Wheels" is as good an
opener on record as it was live.  Not sure I needed another "Love in Space"
in my life - that's, what, six versions already?

HW97 explicitly says "no overdubs"; can't tell with IYA, but this might be
in response to some of the negative reaction to BTL (which I really liked,
but what do I know).

Conclusion: if you enjoyed the 97 tour, and I reckoned it was one of the
best in recent years, you'll know what to expect, and you'll enjoy this
album.  You know you want it!

- Andy

mailto:Andy.Gilham at btinternet.com; http://www.btinternet.com/~andy.gilham

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