revisiting an old acquaintance...

Ted Jackson jr. s2h2 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Thu Feb 11 06:51:20 EST 1999

> From:          Ted <ted at ALGER.DEMON.CO.UK>

> that's more or less Buck's attitude about taping too, from the
> few times I've heard him mention it
> >
> >Don't tell that to Gov't Mule, Little Feat or the Allmans, who openly
> >condone taping.  Paul Barrere of LF says that taping actually helps
> >the band get new listeners and increases sales of 'official'
> >recordings...
> >

Honestly, I think that the only bands hurt by taping are the
currently-too-popular, flavor of the month bands who won't be around
in a couple years, and figure they have to make a huge killing now.
And who exactly circulates audience tapes?  Only rabid, die hard
fans, of course, folks who will buy all official recordings anyway.
Audience tapes serve a useful purpose in maintaining focus and
interest in the group during breaks in the tour sched., and gaps
between official releases.  When I think of the HUNDREDS of G-Mule
and Little Feat recordings out there, I cry my boots [sic] full when
pondering that there could be that many BOC tapes out there!  I know
Al has said in the past that it's okay with him if you tape a tBS


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