DAS LUDICROIX....the band/the premise....a "DASCOGRAPHY"...heh...

Keith Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Thu Feb 18 10:06:50 EST 1999

>>>>the following cassette releases by DAS LUDICROIX are available from the
>Betley Welcomes Careful Drivers (BWCD) label in england:

>                        "BUZZ BOMB"  ('95")
>buzz bomb/tres lavance/time wounds all heels pt.1/we dood it >a(exploration
concluding in hawkmode)/ejection

Ah, yes, of course...from the HW Covers All Tape III

>                           "MOON HEALING ACTIVATION"    ('96)
>                              laika (neo-serenity)/until the fuses >blow/oyster
>on a string/

Blow Oyster Cult???  :)

Keith H. (FAA)

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