That's Original: Levi

Stephen Swann swann at PLUTONIA.COM
Mon Jan 4 12:54:34 EST 1999

Mark Edmonds writes:
> From: Mark Edmonds
> Date: 1999-01-04 11:14
> >I can't speak re: the track indexing error, but what's this about the
> >transfer?  I haven't diffed the two versions, but the transfer on the
> >Levitation disc of the 2-CD set sounds superb.  It's probably the
> deck and the double release in the portable. It was immediately apparent
> that the sound from the portable was much thinner and weaker than the deck.
> Initially we thought that this was due to the inferior quality of the
> portable but it just didn't ring true that there should be such a
> difference. Therefore, we switched the discs over and low and behold, the
> hi-fi deck now sounded weedy. Conclusion: there is a difference between the
> CDs which is also born out by the fact that the track marking for
> Prelude/Who's Gonna Win The War is wrong on the double release (I think from
> memory, it is actually missing one track marker and the Prelude track
> "starts" half way through or just at the beginning of WGWTW) but right on
> the Bronze/Castle release.
> Just to make sure we are talking about the same double release, the one I
> had was either branded "2 for 1" or "That's Original" and had a white cover
> with small pictures of the album covers on the front Unfortunately, I don't
> have this double set any more to re-run the comparison.

Well, I have the 2-disc "That's Original" set, so I guess I'm going to
have to track down the Bronze/Castle release and run a comparison...
If it sounds better, that will be really something, because the one I
have is already one of my best-sounding CDs.

swann at

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