HW: Black Sword video

Andreas Stuewe Andreas.Stuewe at T-ONLINE.DE
Tue Jan 19 12:37:03 EST 1999

M Holmes schrieb:

> Speaking of obscure pre-releases. Did anyone get the first mail order
> copy of the Live Chronicles video straight from the band?
> I'm reliably informed that Dave later altered the video and the final
> release was two tracks different from the later one. I dunno which
> tracks but would be most curious and would gnaw off my foot to get the
> two missing tracks.
> FoFP
A friend of mine, Rainer Wangler, is one of about 25 lucky people who has got
one. I have seen it, but it has the same tracks, only the video graphics on some
of the tracks are different. If I remember correctly it was Zarozinia and Needle


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