Subject: HW: Hawkwind Tape

Nik Lowenberg Lowenberg-DeBoer at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Tue Jul 6 20:19:03 EDT 1999

I also have some other questions.  Hawkwind gig in Touluse '75, there are
some discrepancies in all the different lists available about this gig.
One lists it as 6/20/75 and another lists it as 6/23/75.  Then on
Adrian Parr's website 6/23/75 is listed as being in Paris.  What is the
correct date?  Also, where was the show held at?  Only mention of the venue
on any of the lists is "Festival".  Any info would be appreciated.  Also, I
don't have this tape, so if you want to help me out out....


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