HW: BADAM - Transatlantic gigging

Chris Warburton desdinova at EARTHLING.NET
Wed Jul 7 19:15:25 EDT 1999

At 22:50 07/07/99 +0200, Andy Gilham wrote:

>Anyway I'm in the south of France now, sending this from my Sony Vaio via my
>cellular phone...  that's not really à propos of anything, I just felt like
>pointing it out.
Sheesh - talk about techno posing!!!

OK, so I'm jealous, sue me!
>Will be back for Godspeed You Black Emperor! on the 15th though.
SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT I'll have to miss them again!!!!!!!!!!
>Oh yeah, almost forgot, apparently Masters of Reality are going to be at the
>Borderline (London) in September.

Some hope for that one at least - unless I end up working for Sky in

(who's very happy to have got the rest of his CDs out of storage at his

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