Hawkwind festival plug on R1

Andy Ball andy.ball at RD.BBC.CO.UK
Fri Jul 9 11:45:15 EDT 1999

Hi all,

Had to share this with you all:
Whilst driving down the motorway listening to BBC Radio 1 on the "Mark and
Lard " show at about 15:50, There was a woman from Buxton on who was doing
one of their phone in quizes. After telling the presenters that she was
from Buxton, one of them said, "Are you going to see Hawkwind at the
festival?". She replied yes probably, and the DJ then said Oh Good!

First time I've heard Hawkwind mentioned on national radio since the good
old days of the Friday Rock Show!!

Does anyone know if one can just turn up on the day to the festival???

Back to lurking........


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