HW: Brock intervew

Dave Berry daveb at HARLEQUIN.CO.UK
Tue Mar 2 12:11:23 EST 1999

At 16:35 02/03/99 GMT, M Holmes wrote:
>[Nik Nik]
>> Maybe.  He did write good stuff, but he didn't write very much.  If I had
>> to pick one of his, I'd pick MotU over Brainstorm.
>I'd have to pick D-Rider as his best song with Dying Seas a close
>second, though I'll admit the alternative lyrics MotU was pretty good.

I don't see why people like D-rider so much.  I don't hate it or anything,
I just don't regard it as a highlight.  Kadu Flyer, on the other hand, is
excellent.  I agree that Dying Seas is good, and I like Children Of The Sun
too, in a very hippy sort of way.

Thinking about it, I guess he did do his fair share of the songwriting when
he was in the band.  Obviously not as many songs as Dave, but more than
most of the rest of the band at the time.


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