HW: Brock intervew

Stephen Lindsey stephen at SPATIALWARE.COM
Wed Mar 3 15:36:30 EST 1999

Excellent one mail gives me a chance to post the two things I was dying to add
to this thread....

> Hello All
> The two fondest memories I have of Nik were Stonehenge 84 with the Druid
> dancers and fire breathers and Hammersmith 83 when he was suspended from the
> rafters wearing bin liners and spouting steam from any orofice.

This is interesting, someone else was comparing the various "frontmam"
abilities of Nik, Bob and Ron  and I was going to add that I had to give Ron
an A+ for effort after seeing him suspend himself  from the cieling at
St Catherines in '95.   Maybe this is a Hawkwind speciality I was unaware

> Nik could turn a average concert into a memorable one I would very much like
> to see him again with the band.

And of course finally a chance to gloat about seeing them all together at
Strange Daze '97    - what a glorious sight and sound. Waddya mean it was 3000+
miles away......... ;-)     Nik sure wasn't playing his sax out of tune at that
gig !

Steve L

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