Off: 101 adjectives

Sat Mar 13 01:44:48 EST 1999

In a message dated 3/12/99 4:18:24 PM, js3619 at WIZVAX.NET writes:

<<Shut up and play yer guitar,>>   amen.

<<Man oh man, this is gettin' zany!>>

<<story's premise is kinda neat. Calvert I think would have had an
interesting version of it considering his Sonic Attack.>>

         ....twasnt  CALVERT's "sonic attack"; twas moorcock's.

>And while we're on the subject - male singers with weird high-pitched
>voices don't *have* to be annoying, as long as they don't screech.

            .....try telling that to *THEM*

              1:42 AM GREETINGS TO YOU ALL
   Man oh man, this is gettin' zany!
ja ne!
>>larry b

Man oh man, this iShut up and play yer guitar,s getMaShut up and play yer
guitar,n oh man, this is gettin' zany!tin' zMan oh Man oh mMan oh man, this is
gettin' zany!an, this is gettin' zany!mShShut up and play yer guMan oh man,
this is gettin' zany!iShShut up and play yer guitar,ut up and play Man oh man,
thMan oh man, this is gettin' zany!is isShut up and play yer guitar, gettin'
Man oh man, this is gettin' zany!zanShut up and playShuMan oh man, this is
gettin' Man oh man, this is gettin' zany!zany!t up and play yer guitar, yer
guitar,yShut up and play yer guitar,!yer guitar,tar,Shut up and play yer
guitar,uShut up and play yer guitar,t uShut uMan oh man, this is gettin'
zany!p and play yer guitaShut up and play yer guitar,r and play yer Man oh
man, thiMan oh man, this is gettin' zany!s is getShut up and play yer
guitar,tin' zany!guitar,an, this iMan oh man, this is gettin' zany!s getShut
up anMan oh man, this is gettin' zany!d play yer guitar,tiShut up and plaMan
oh man, this is gettin' zany!Man oh man, this is gettin' zany!y yer guitar,n'
zany!aMan oh man, thiShutShut up and play yer guitar, up and pMan oh man, this
is gettin' zany!lay yer guitar,s is gettin' zany!Man oh man, this is gMan oh
man, this is gettMan oh man, this is gettin' zany!in' zany!ettin'
zany!ny!SShuManShut up and play yer guitar, oh man, thisShut up and play yer
guitShut up and play yer guitar,Shut up and play yer guitar,ar, is gettin'
zanMan oh man, this is gettin' zany!y!t up and play Man oh man, this is
gettin' zany!yer gShut Man ohShut up and play yer guitar, Man oh man, this is
gettin' zany!man, this is gettin' zany!up and play yer guitar,uitar,hutMShut
up and play yer guitar,an oh man, this is gettin' zany! up MMan oh man, this
is gettiShut up and play yer guitar,n' zany!Shut up and play yer guitMan oh
man, this isShut up and play yer guitar, gettin' zany!ar,an oh man, this is
Shut up and play yer guitar,gettinShut up and playMan oh man, this is gettin'
zany! yer guitar,' zany!and play yer guitar,Shut uShut up and play yer
guitar,p and play yer guitar,Shut up and play yer guitar,Man oh man, this is
gettShut up and play yer guitar,Man oh man, this is gettin' zany!in' zany!
Man oh man, this is gettin' zanyMan oh man, tShShut up and play yer guitar,ut
up and play yer guitar,his is gettin' zany!Man oh man, this is gettin'
zany!!Shut up and play yer guitar,Shut up and play yer guitar,
Man oh man, this iMan oh man, this is gettin' zany!s Man oh ManMaMan oh man,
this is gettin' zany!n oh man, this is gettin' zany! oh man, this is gettin'
zany!maMan oShut up and play yer guitar,h man, this Shut up and play yer
guitar,iMan oh man, this is gettin' zany!s gettin' zany!n, this is gettin'
zany!gettin' zany!MMan oh man, this is gettin' zany!an oh man, thShut up and
play yer guitar,is is gettin' zany!Shut up and play yerMan oh man, thShut up
and play yer guitar,is is gettin' zany! guitar,
Shut up and play yer guitar,Man oh man, thShuShut up and play yer guitar,t up
and play yer guitar,is is gShut up Man oh man, this Shut up and play yer
guitar,is gettin' zany!and play yer guitar,ettin' zany!Shut up and play yer
Man oh man, this Man oh man, this is gettin' zany!is gettinShut up and play
yer guitar,' zany!

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