Call to close the open season on Larry/DASLUD

Goran Janicijevic simplius at SOFTHOME.NET
Sat Mar 20 13:27:51 EST 1999

Stephen Swann wrote:

>Also, while he *has* deliberately rocked the boat here, in order to
>"stir things up", I believe that he is currently coming to a very
>personal, and indeed heartfelt undertsanding of why it is that people
>don't and shouldn't do things like that in a public forum like BOC-L.

I don't think that he wanted to provoke us, but to animate somehow
this list, finding that stuff he sends would be interesting enough for
the residents, according to his interpretation what sort of interest
should have a BOC/HW fan. That's OK basically.

I remember he also sent a humorous list of English in Non-English
countries. Although out of context, it had some funnily spooky
sentences, that could be in the context. No one blamed him then.
Neither should.

So the problem was the size of the attachment, and sending of
attachments in the mailing lists, generally.

To Larry:
Larry, don't worry, you're OK. Only, before you send some attachment,
ask first the recipient. And better don't send any attachments in
mailing lists. And if someone is annoyed by you - well, every decent
mail program has filtering.

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