Joseph Brooks Joseph.Brooks at GCCCD.NET
Mon Mar 22 15:17:07 EST 1999

The first album I ever bought was "Abbey Road", in 1970, I was 10 years old.
Heh, I thought everyone liked the Beatles.. Heck, even my old Dad likes the
Beatles and he hates rock music like it was poison. No, they weren't top
musicians.. But the Lennon/McCartney song writing team has yet to be beat
and will live on long and long.. In 100 years will anyone remember Mr.
Meltzer for instance? You can bet the Beatles will be remembered though. I
think McCartney was an under rated bassist and John, while not technically
great, had a knack for a tune that is not often seen.

Even if you dislike their music, you have to give them credit for the great
influence they had on rock music and culture..

Lay off my Beatles! (smile)


> -----Original Message-----
> On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:
> >      When I was 15, I thought they they _were_ the greatest band
> > in the world.  Mind you, the only other band I knew well then was
> > the Monkees :)
>         I was listening to a compilation tape of the Beatles when this
> blew up and though I can't say that they've ever struck me as
> particularly
> able musicians (George's guitar's all *right*), the songs themselves
> are none too bad and they still strike me as being incredibly
> innovative
> in lots of different ways. Even if they didn't originate their ideas
> (which given my grounding in 60s stuff is possible) they still used it
> good and fast. I'd cite 'Revolver' as well as 'Sgt. Pepper'
> for influence,
> though.

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