OFF: That one obscure album.. Conan

Sprawl sprawl at BBOARD.COM
Sun Mar 28 03:20:03 EST 1999

> Um, are you saying you preferred Destroyer to Barbarian?  eh.

Nope.  Definitely not.  I own a copy, but hated the movie.  Enjoyed the
book, tho'.

> Barbarian is far superior.


> In being aware of the stories from which scenes were lifted,
> you probably seperated them plot-wise.  I find the overall story
> in the sense of coming full circle with Thulsa Doom held together
> well enough.  I didn't read the stories until after I'd seen the
> movie.

Well, that last probably made a galaxy of difference.  I am glad I didn't
Jurassic Park before seeing the movie.  The problem I had with the movie was
rooted entirely of what I was expecting vs. what we got.  Had I been less
familiar with
the books, I probably would be 100% on the movie.

> Conan the Destroyer was not directed by Milius, he left after feuding
> with Dino Delaurentis, and has no central theme at all.

Yeah, it pretty much seemed like a "franchise" effort.

> It had lame attempts at humor and was never able to lose itself in the
> and spectable like the first movie.


> Wilt Chamberlain was notable in
> being one of the few people they could've gotten to be a believable
> adversery for Schwarzennegger in a brawling match.


> Going cheaper
> on location (Barbarian was filmed in Spain, Destroyer in Mexico)
> also hurt Destroyer, you don't get those wonderful old walled cities
> in Mexico.


> The downward slide finished with "Red Sonja", by which point the
> dialogue had gotten so bad it was painful.

Are you talking about that movie?  Awful.  Pathetic.

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