HW: Live 79 (An invitation to a 1 minute hate)

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Tue Mar 30 10:41:56 EST 1999

On Sat, 20 Mar 1999, Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:

>      Gee, and I thought "Shot Down in the Night" was *excellent* :)
> while I found "Lighthouse" sort of a non-event.  That said, I
> thought the "Brainstorm" on _Live 79_ was extrordinarily lame.
> But, as Steve S. points out, the "Silver Machine" has an excellent
> start before, sadly, it blows up!

        Funny, I think that 'Brainstorm' is one of the best - builds into
rhythmic trance very nicely. Not exactly blanga, but as close as you can
get with an essentially NWOBHM line-up. But then it was on the first
Hawkwind record I ever owned ('Spirit of the Age' comp. on Elite) so I may
well be foolishly attached to it... Yours,

>      I certainly didn't like the album enough to bring it to
> the UK with me though.  I've got the early stuff, the recent
> stuff, a Calvert comp, and (Andy's favorite ;)  _Live Chronicles_ :)

        Ha - I got a doom-fan to buy 'Live Chronicles' the other day! One
of my greatest victories. His expression of torture as he admitted he
liked it rivalled that of the Prince of Melnibone himself... Yours,
 |         Jon Jarrett, Pembroke College, Cambridge                     |
 |         (01223 338100)             jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk   |
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