Distant Horizons - help and advice

YEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COLM at MCLIAM.FREESERVE.CO.UK
Tue Mar 30 15:06:58 EST 1999

Dear members of the space ship Hawkwind,

Thank you all for your advice and opinions on the Hawkwind album "Distant
Horizons" it was really appreciated. I know who to ask now if I need some
more advice, thanks again.


"My ass may be dumb but I ain't no dumbass"

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Jarrett <jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK>
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
Date: 30 March 1999 16:32
Subject: Re: Distant Horizons - help and advice

>On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, YEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wrote:
>> Today I saw "Distant Horizons" by Hawkwind I presume that its their
newest studio album as its on the emergency broadcast network (their own
label). Could anyone give me a quick review of it please because I'm
thinking of buying it. Thanks.
>        Got it playing as we speak, actually - last studio but one, 1997 -
>there are four good tracks on it and a lot of random synth widdling
>including a vocals-free mix of the 'Love in Space' single edit. Suffers
>heavily from Brock not really being arsed to do much but showcases Ron and
>Jerry quite well. I'd say get it, but not if there's other things you want
>urgently first. 6-7/10. Yours,
>                                Jon
>P.S. oh, and the artwork's truly poor.
> --
> /______________________________________________________________________\
> |         Jon Jarrett, Pembroke College, Cambridge                     |
> |         (01223 338100)             jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk   |
> | =====================================================================|
> | "Probability level 1 to 1. We have normality, I repeat, we have      |
> | normality. Anything you still can't deal with is therefore your own  |
> \_________________________    problem."  ______________________________/
>                           \_____________/

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