OFF: Loop?

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Wed Mar 31 03:33:50 EST 1999

        Dear All,
                  anyone know anything about a band by this name? They've
been described to me as actually acheiving what Monster Magnet's 'Tab... '
set out to do, which makes them sound interesting... Yours,
                                                            Jon (who for
some reason is unable to type the word 'yours' in four tries this morning)

 |         Jon Jarrett, Pembroke College, Cambridge                     |
 |         (01223 338100)             jjarrett at   |
 | =====================================================================|
 | "Probability level 1 to 1. We have normality, I repeat, we have      |
 | normality. Anything you still can't deal with is therefore your own  |
 \_________________________    problem."  ______________________________/

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