BRAIN: "status report, Mr. Sulu?"

Bolts of Ungodly Vision js3619 at WIZVAX.NET
Sun Oct 3 09:31:09 EDT 1999

Does anyone out there in AOL land (or all other relevant parties) have info
on how far along PoW is to being in mailboxes far and wide?

Jonesin' ears need to know,

NP (in my head): Just got MC 5's  _'66 Breakout!_ on vinyl for a good
price... a shame I dont have a turntable here. (sigh) Although, the strange
"upright and respecable" pics of the band (Tyner's in glasses and a
puddingbowl hairdo!) do provide a good deal of flabbergastedness.

"It is only beginning with me that the earth knows great politics."
        -F.Nietzsche, _Ecce Homo_

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