HW: New releases: Question for band

M Holmes fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Mon Oct 25 08:33:43 EDT 1999

> [lb says:] in the meantime i've played that weird tape and concluded that
> "jam a/k/a seeing it" is in fact from 2/13/72.
> ========
> Well OK, if we're to believe that the various shouts and screams are
> precisely the same gig to gig. It's just that I don't believe that. Play
> the tracks against each other and you;ll see what I mean.
> FoFP
> </XMP>
>  >>
> [lb says] a bit confused here...which tracks would i be playing against each
> other?
> the weird tape "seeing it" (a/k/a) and the ROADHAWKS "seeing it" (a/k/a)
> arent the same performance....

That's what I don't believe. Everything is just too identical for them
to be from different gigs.


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