Dave Greenhalgh d.greenhalgh at VIRGIN.NET
Wed Sep 15 19:41:35 EDT 1999

Would some very, very nice person like to video this??  Please!!!

Dave (a long way from BBC2)

Chris Warburton wrote:

> On the above-mentioned program tonight they showed the old fil of the guys
> doing "Silver Machine"... interesting to see virtually no attempt to sync
> the film that they shot with the single...I think there  were about 3 shots
> where Lemmy's mouth was in step, but a lot more where we heard singing, but
> saw the Lemster just leaping around & tharshing his bass.  Still wish  I'd
> had a vid-tape to hand...
> ChrisW
> "a cynic is a man who when he smells flowers looks around for a coffin" -
> Bierce

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