HW: Case of mistaken identity, surely

K Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Fri Apr 7 14:02:12 EDT 2000

Doug P. alluded...

>Ha!  Not nearly as bad as the other (American) Dave Brock (well, actually

This guy being the conservative-republican-spouting commentator?  Same views
as the *real* David Brock, I'm sure!  :)

So who else here was freaked out by the usage of "David Brock" for
songwriting credits on the Remasters of the Universe? Just doesn't fit him,

>And then there was the original drummer for the Barracudas (later
>in Lords of the New Church IIRC), Nick Turner ...

And who's this Mick Turner guy I keep seeing?  I do a double-take everytime
I flip by one of his discs.

And surely there are lots of Dave Anderson's and John Harrison's in the
world?  And we beat to death the Danny Thompson HW-Fairport confusion awhile
back, didn't we?  I've forgotten the details already, actually.

Grakkl, or "Hugh, Lord of Langtree" (FAA)

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