HW: Case of mistaken identity, surely

Doug Pearson ceres at SIRIUS.COM
Fri Apr 7 15:16:57 EDT 2000

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000 14:02:12 -0400, Grakkl <henderson.120 at OSU.EDU> wrote:
>Doug P. alluded...
>>Ha!  Not nearly as bad as the other (American) Dave Brock (well, actually
>This guy being the conservative-republican-spouting commentator?  Same views
>as the *real* David Brock, I'm sure!  :)

Yep, that one.  Formerly of 'American Spectator' magazine.

>And who's this Mick Turner guy I keep seeing?  I do a double-take everytime
>I flip by one of his discs.

He's an Australian guitar player (great musician!) who plays in the Dirty
Three and was formerly in Venom P. Stinger (with Dirty Three drummer Jim
White), the Sick Things, and other noise/punk bands from down under.  The
hype on the Dirty Three, fortunately, blew over a couple years ago, but if
you're not familiar with them, I would *highly* recommend them to fans of
Simon House.  They're sort of a melodic/jazz/psychedelic instrumental trio,
and violinist Warren Ellis is fantastically talented and capable of
creating really dramatic, moving melodies and tunes.  Unfortunately, his
between-song banter leaves a bit to be desired, but that's really the only
negative thing I could say about them.

>And we beat to death the Danny Thompson HW-Fairport confusion awhile
>back, didn't we?  I've forgotten the details already, actually.

father = folk-rock standup bassist
son = thud thud drummer

         ceres at sirius.com

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