OFF: Copying / Napster

Richard Lockwood rich-l at GEOCITIES.COM
Tue Apr 18 06:44:38 EDT 2000

I justify taping / copying in the following way.

1.  Something like the tape swap on this list I have no problem with, as it
acts as a sampler for other people - I've certainly gone out and bought
stuff by acts I'd never heard before I got a track on those tapes.
2.  Taping a whole album - I have no problem with if I can't get hold of a
'legit' copy.  If I lend a copy of a rare album I've got to a friend who
wants to copy it, fine, but I hope if he saw a copy in Tower Records a
couple of weeks later he'd buy a copy.
3.  Live recording - fine, if those recordings aren't commercially
available.  If I tape a gig, and some years later it gets an official
release, I'd like to think I'd go out and buy it (if it was any good!).

It's bootlegging / copying for profit / pirating that pisses me off.



ObMellowCD - Heart - Dreamboat Annie  (Keeping my head down now!)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: OFF: Napster in the news

> In a message dated 4/18/00 5:46:29 AM, fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK writes:
> <<
> Is there some reason why rock musicians shouldn't be paid for their
> work, whatever its artistic merits?
>  >>
> ======
> that was not of which i wrote.
> i wasnt expecting such _posturing_ from a member of metallica.
> any guesses as to what they "lost" via napster?
> wanna count it in pennies?
> "<>"

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