HW Completism Silver Machine and ToTP clip

Carol Ann Kilgore Kilgorechi at AOL.COM
Fri Dec 8 05:28:30 EST 2000

scorch at TE-CATS.COM wrote:

"Here's one I'd like the answer to.
One of the items he had for sale once was a 7" single called "Oh my Fingers
They Do Ache", which apparently was a version of "British Tribal Music" but
with vocals.
Anybody know anything about this?
Also regarding HW film footage, remember the BBC Michael Moorcock program
which featured a clip of HW playing Silver Machine?  Can someone tell me if
that was the TOTP clip, or am I right in thinking the clip was a different
one featuring two drummers?
Captain Bl at ck."

Reply from Simon King:

it was a top of the pops video clip and had only one drummer....me....hehe.
and yes there was once a copy of British Tribal Music with vocals made while
we were all stewed to the gills, but i didnt know anyone still had a copy of

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