HW: Quality control? (Lack of?)

Melvyn Vincent mel at MVA.U-NET.COM
Sat Dec 30 05:16:35 EST 2000

It does baffle me how the band have been quick to complain about the likes
of Dave Anderson and various other dubious record companies releasing
sub-standard dissonant material from Hawkwinds past,when lately they seem
to be jumping on the same bandwagon themselves.
Maybe they decided to take a 'can't beat 'em, join 'em' attitude.
I bought the collector series '79 complete', and was also surprised at how
'raw' the recording was.
I've always enjoyed the 'raw' quality of live recordings but I don't expect
to be paying also for the 'wow & flutter and hiss' of the tape recording as
part of the package. There are some real magic moments on 79 complete but I
really felt with the technology available in the average recording studio
that the whole thing could have been audibly tidied and smoothed out a bit.
The result is....I am now very wary of forking out for any more of the
Hawkwind 'Archive' material on the voiceprint label. I'll be more inclined
to wait a while and pay a little more for what comes out on the EMI Premier
Label......(whenever that will be). You can at least guarantee that your
paying for a properly engineered quality product.

If your reading this Kris,Dave and the band......please take note. Let the
rip-off merchants rip-off,because what goes round does eventually come
round. I've been following HW and very happy to spend my money on your
material for the past 28 years. I'd like to think that I am merely one of
thousands of reasons why the band are still a force today.


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