OFF: Remember your honey!

Karen Kusic kkusic at EXECPC.COM
Sun Dec 31 11:20:11 EST 2000

Happy New Year gang!

Don't forget your honey!  ;)

Sweet Relief: Honey and Hangovers
Charnicia E. Huggins

Holiday revelers have tried many an odd cure for hangovers, but now
doctors suggest one that really might work. Eating honey, according to
the National Headache Foundation, could help you avoid hangover
headaches altogether.

"Honey on a cracker or piece of toast, before or after drinking, may
prevent a hangover," according to a statement from the headache experts.

"Honey--as opposed to some other sugar stores--has fructose, which
competes for the metabolism of alcohol," Dr. Merle Diamond, associate
director of the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago told Reuters Health.
This competition prevents the rapid change in alcohol levels that causes
the 'bang' headache in the morning, she said.

"Tomato juice, another good source of fructose, also helps to burn
alcohol faster," according to the National Headache Foundation.

Other tricks to avoid holiday hangovers include mixing alcohol with
fruit drinks or drinking a "hot toddy" made with honey, lemon and
tea--sans the whiskey--Diamond suggested.

"But honey works best," she said.

Diamond also offered the following, more conventional, tips to avoid the
consequences of overindulgence:

-- Drink in moderation.

-- Pace yourself: don't ingest drinks too quickly, and don't skip meals.

-- Avoid red wine: it triggers the most headaches.

Chronic headaches, however, that are unrelated to excessive drinking,
demand medical treatment, according to the National Headache Foundation.

"Headaches are a legitimate biological disease," they said.

For more information on the cause and treatment of headache, visit the
National Headache Foundation's web site at


"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production
deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid."
- Frank Zappa

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