ICU: Imperial Pompadours LP found

Doug Pearson ceres at SIRIUS.COM
Thu Feb 3 13:25:21 EST 2000

Another record find in the Bay Area.  I'm kicking myself for it and every
other Hawkfan in the San Francisco area should be, too!  It turns out that
Amoeba Records in San Francisco has had a copy of the Imperial Pompadours
'Ersatz' LP sitting in the stacks for 3 months priced at $2.95!!!

It might still be there if I hadn't shown my copy of the album to my friend
Karl, who works at the store (otherwise he would have flipped right past
it).  And he only found it (and immediately bought it) yesterday.  Anyway,
he likes it, but given its' value, he's more interested in selling/trading
(he's a big psych collector) it than keeping it.  He says it's in VG+
condition, although the cover may be VG with a couple of bends.  Drop me a
line if you're interested in it, and I'll get you in touch with the seller ...

         ceres at

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