HW: Re Audio Interview

Lawrence, Marty [IBM GSA] MLawrenc at VITGDTS1.TELSTRA.COM.AU
Sun Jan 16 23:11:00 EST 2000

Keith wrote:
I gather from the photo that this interview might have been done in 1977 (or
was it 1978?), literally hours before the final Hawkwind concert when they
broke up.  [The Spirit of the Age performance (IIRC pretty good, but for the
feedback problems) on F&R II is from this gig, is that right?

I always thought that the SOTA from F&R II was actually the same track from
the weird tape at Stonehenge,
I wrote to Brian Tawn about this and he replied that might be right.
Bernhard ?

Good to be back on the list ,just as the crew tour down under ,any news on



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