OFF OS:: Mowturhed

Richard Lockwood rich-l at GEOCITIES.COM
Thu Jan 27 04:57:24 EST 2000

You've got the Sam Gopal album?!  Can you let me know where you live, and
when the house is likely to be empty? ;-)

I'm afraid I haven't got a bastard clue Magnus.



ObAlbum: Ambrose Slade - Beginnings

> >I'm fairly sure that it's printed as 'Kilminster' on quite a lot of album
> >covers / labels / credits.
> I'm certain of this too, and will fully confess - GUILTY AS CHARGED! (but
> at least I wasn't the first!)
> >But it *is* Kilmister.
> Yes.  So can anyone explain why it's listed as "Willis" on the Sam Gopal
> album?!?!?  That's not even close!
>         -Doug
>          ceres at

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