OFF: now 90s v. 80s

Tim Hall kalyr at CLARA.CO.UK
Thu Mar 9 11:14:36 EST 2000

Alex S. Garcia wrote:

>I hate that cover too and was also turned down, at first, but didn't resist
>very long before buying the album :-) I personally thought it was pretty
>damn good, though certainly not their best effort. In any case, it should
>also be noted that the European cover is VERY different. Damn, wish I stil
>had that scan. A friend in France send it to me, and it looks more like a
>Fantasy kind of cover. Really cool art.

Isn't that picture on the inside of the jewel case on the US releases
as well?  My UK release has got the US 'melting face' cover on the
lyric booklet, with the 'high priestess of chronos' cover as a
seperate insert over the top, so we've actually got both.
| Tim Hall, timjh at

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