HW:/OFF: '80's sound

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Wed Mar 15 09:12:33 EST 2000

On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Sprawl wrote:

> Ozrics....  ya got "Afterswish," ya got 'em all....
> IMO of course.  RJ

        Well, though _Afterswish_ has loads of the good stuff on, assuming
you like the Ozrics in the first place, it doesn't have the sort of
eleven-minute epic like `Imhotep' from _There Is Nothing_ or indeed
`Vibuthi' from _Become The Other_, and those are definite points for the
Ozrics I reckon. On the other hand, though I _like_ almost all Ozrics,
it's not terribly startling stuff, and `Vibuthi' was the last thing they
put to record that actually excited me. I haven't heard _Waterfall Cities_
yet but I've not been warned to expect different. On the other hand, I've
not heard much Ship of Fools but what I have heard was electric
stuff. Still, I reckon _Live Ethereal Cereal_, _There Is Nothing_,
_Erpland_, _Strangeitude_ and _Become The Other_ would be worth rescuing
from the Vogons (see ObCassette).

        Indeed, I gather from from alt.fan.ozric-tentacles that after all
the palaver with Snapper, whom the Ozrics joined because they decided
Dovetail were ripping them off (and wasn't Dovetail their manager's own
label?), now they've again got their own label, Stretchy, not only do they
have to get all their back catalogue under control _again_, but also that
Snapper are refusing them any royalties off _Curious Corn_, _Spice Doubt_
and _Floating Seeds_, the remixes, for breach of contract; and,
furthermore, that Snapper are about to release a new album of recently-
recorded stuff, from all of which the band will be getting no money at
all. There are therefore grand plans on the newsgroup to CD-tree the new
release and _Floating Seeds_ and order fresh covers for them from the band
so that they'll have Blim artwork and the band gets some money. In't the
music business wonderful? Yours,

ObCassette: _Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy_ Fit the 4th
        |       Jonathan Jarrett             11 Manhattan Drive,   |
        | jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk        Cambridge         |
        |        01223 741219                     CB4 1JL          |
        |       "Wilhelm Reich died for your sins"  (ST37)         |

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