Fwd: lemmy in priest movie

Ted Jackson jr. tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Wed Mar 22 12:12:13 EST 2000

On 22 Mar 00, at 12:08, K Henderson wrote:

> >Vance claimed they'd been told to kill themselves in a hidden
> >incantation on Stained Class which could be heard when he record was
> >played backwards - a
> tragic >effect of one of rock's most popular apocryphal stories.
> My God...the fact that this case even went to trial is a real sad
> indication of the state of our judicial system.
This story is not apocryphal.  It really happened.  It was the subject
of a documentary on PBS several years ago.      In fact, the
outcome vindicated the judicial system.  The judge said, in effect,
that even if the band had shouted the lyrics: 'go kill yourself' they
couldn't be held accountable.  But then the judge said that he could
find nothing in the lyrics of the song that were actionable.

It was a really sad affair.  The parents were bible-heads, and were
trying to force their morality onto their son.  He rebelled, and became
fond of heavy music as a means to protest the parents' beliefs.  The
parents, who were more to blame for the kid's actions than JP, were
hustled by some shyster who told them they could sue these rich
rock stars.  Obviously, the parents thought they themselves were
blameless, and all they had to hear was the lawyer's spiel to make
themselves feel better.  This was the thrust of the case:  the parents
were trying to find a means of self forgiveness.  It backfired.  The
band acquited themselves very well during the trial, and their
testimony was sensible and very responsible.  The cas was never
close to hurting the band.  Maybe even helped their career.  When
the trial was held, the kid was still alive.  He dies of OD later...

BTW, there are 2 other flicks in the works that closely resemble parts
of the JP saga.  At one point, Brad Pitt was to play the equivalent of
'Ripper' Owens!  Not sure of the status of either project at this time...


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