OFF: Virus alert (genuine)

MissileCommand antisol at SOFTHOME.NET
Fri May 5 00:48:11 EDT 2000

Dan Witt wrote:

> > But why is MS so popular? It has brutally taken over the market and more or less
> > forces people to use its software.
> I know what you mean.  When I tried to buy a PC with linux as the OS in
> February at the local CompUsa store I was taken into a back room and
> repeatedly clubbed like a seal by the MS nazis.  After that I just
> bought a Windows machine and behaved.

I have never seen a computer with Linux offered by a dealer...though I can't claim to
have looked very hard. But why not let us condescend and find a publicly available
machine that runs Linux system? They exist, don't they? It would defy logic, since
Linux is free after all. Once upon a time my school even had a Mac Lab...Then I
suppose there's that tiny Unix room full of trollish weirdos.

> On another note, last night I went to see the Street Walkin Cheetahs,
> this guy in the audience with a British accent asks the bands for Silver
> Machine.  This was kind of stunning, since none of the bands playing had
> anything to do with spacerock, weirder yet, one of the singers appeases
> him and breaks into a few bars of Silver Machine.

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