OFF: Napster / Metallica and other pointless exercises

MissileCommand antisol at SOFTHOME.NET
Wed May 10 22:13:45 EDT 2000

>=> letter written as a joke, but the point I'm trying to make is that
>=> there's no need to get pissed off and gripe about how careless
>=> people are in believing anything they read. You can be sure that I
>=> would question any information that could lead to a critical
>=> decision, but in this case I really don't see what the big deal
>=> is.
>It is no big deal.  All I was saying is that I'm surprised at what
>things people will routinely forward these days.  I guess that's how
>these "modem tax" urban legends get started and take hold.
>It's been an interesting phenomenon that's unfolded in the wake of the
>posting of the full text of the "Metallica open letter" on the other
>list I mentioned.  Folks have gone off on a real tear on the strength
>that letter.  But, the aspect I find interesting is the way people have

>now taken to prefacing their invective with disclaimers like "if that
>letter was fake then ignore all this, otherwise <<mass quantities of
>bile>>."  I just find that weird.
>If it seemed like I was singling you out, I'm sorry; that was
>not intended.  I was really thinking about that other list.

understood! thank you. It's amazing how the two biggest fights on this
list (in the past 2 years?) have been over such common subjects as
Microsoft and Metallica! I thought we were supposed to be weirdos!

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