Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Tue May 16 14:01:08 EDT 2000

In article <20000515214917.6516.qmail at>, Darrin McKeehen
<dmckeehen at HOTMAIL.COM> writes
>Saw this post on DAT-Heads and thought some of you might be interested......
>news just in: syd barrett is playing at the borderline in london after 30
>years of doing nothing.
>Not too sure this is true, or when it is, but if it is true....someone HAS
>to get it. Just a heads up.

I rang the borderline, um, *quite* quickly and they said it's not true.

Mind you, they said I was the only person (so far) to have to called and
asked this, and I find that a little hard to believe.

I'll call again tomorrow..

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