HW: Hawkestra

Kirsten Procter kprocter at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Wed Oct 25 17:16:21 EDT 2000

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, J D wrote:

> Based on what I experienced at Brixton, my choice of band members for a future incarnation of the band would be:
I'm afraid I can't let this one pass...

> Dave - rhythm guitar & vox
> Lemmy - bass & backing vox
> Ron - Vocals & lunacy
> Tim B - synths
> Terry O - drums
> Jerry R - guitar
> Nik - flute & costumes (sax to be left at home!)
No sax? Are you serious? I like Nik's sax, and while it's good to hear him
play flute, I wouldn't subscribe to a totally sax-less Nik

 No Simon House? I'm yet to work out how *any* band functions well without
Simon House, (although I admit they mostly do), but I certainly couldn't
concieve of an ideal Hawkwind without him.

 I'm not entirely sure that Ron couldn't be replaced, either, if only
because I feel quite sorry for the poor boy after every gig... Not sure
who I'd replace him with, though. Perhaps someone who could provide
instrumental-based lunacy as well as vocals.

Kirsten, who'd be playing trombone and euphonium for her ideal Hawkwind :)

Kirsten Procter                                                 ghoti
NP: Brainsurgeons - Malpractise

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