BOC: Imaginos

Andrew A. Apold mordru at FLITE.NET
Mon Sep 18 13:58:04 EDT 2000

>> Got to wonder if there was any significance to New Hampshire - just a
>> fairly unpopulated area of the new world?  Does the "Hampshire" part
>> refer back to England in some significant way?  Perhaps New Hampshire
>> and England are at approximately the same latitude?
>Not too close.  New Hampshire has about the same latitude as
>southern France...

Most people over here (america) somehow have it in their heads
that New York and London are about the same lattitude, when they
are nowhere near.  New Hampshire is indeed about the same as
southern france, but suffers much more severe winters than it
(something about gulf stream and on east side of continent
as opposed to west side etc etc).

I can't think of any reason to tie New Hampshire into the
Imaginos saga except circumstantially, many Lovecraft stories
were set in New England (though far more in Massachusettes, home
of Miskatonic U, et al)...  Since Imaginos came by ship,
New Hampshire has precious little coastline, just a short
stretch between Mass and Maine around Portsmouth.   So if he landed
there, it'd be fiarly easy to know roughly where he did.  About the only
other thing I might try to note is the presence of Mt. Washington,
the highest peak in the northern Appalachians and home of some of
the world's worst weather.

Apart from that, there are a number of towns with the same
name as towns in England.

I remember hearing reference to another Imaginos song that almost never
gets mentioned, something by Don called "Port Jefferson".  This would seem
to clearly refer to Port Jefferson on Long Island, being rather close to
Stony U.

I've never heard this song, or its lyrics, and only remember it being
mentioned once or twice in any Imaginos discussions...  Anyone have
anything on this?

"Left behind by the latest trends...
 eating fried chicken with his regicidal friends...
   - "Porcelain Monkey" by Warren Zevon
Andrew Apold

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