Off: Alien 4 now in top five album list

Jon Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Wed Apr 4 19:10:31 EDT 2001

On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, Michael S. Habiby wrote:

> Yes I have NEVER understood what people didn't like about Alien 4.  I
> have loved it since the first day.  Especially the mid to end of the
> CD.  Simply outstanding work.

        Well, I'm <heretic>not too enamoured of `Alien I Am', actually
</heretic>, and `Kapal' and `Journeys' both strike me as lumpen and
uncomfortable. `Beam Me Up' has four or five potential songs in there and
it seems like rather than make it out of the two or three good bits they
had to use all of it; I think if they'd stuck to the first, middle and
last sections it would be massively improved and if it was arranged like
that live I think it would also be an unexpected killer.

        But what I basically have against the album is that you don't need
it if you have _Love in Space_ as all the good songs are on that and done
much better. Yours,

              Spooky peanut terror bringing pain and death!
     Jon Jarrett (01223 514989)      jjarrett at

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