OFF: Good Suggestions for London record Shops

Mark Edmonds mmje at MMJE.DEMON.CO.UK
Tue Apr 17 15:05:21 EDT 2001

I'll second Selectadisc - often very good prices. I just got Calvert's Hype
there for £2.99. They also have the Atomhenge 2CD for 2 quid less than the
main Oxford Street stores. Hawkwind Family Tree is currently in nearly all
the major London stores and normally at £14.99. Mr. CD which is virtually
opposite has a limited selection and there is the Reckless Records 2nd hand
shop 50 yards down the road. Check out all three before you hit HMV, Virgin
and Tower. There are other shops further down Berwick Street in the market
area but I don't think they are the sort to stock Hawkwind.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
> Behalf Of Andy Gilham
> Sent: 17 April 2001 09:16
> Subject: Re: OFF: Good Suggestions for London record Shops
> > Any good suggestions for good London record Shops?
> I always like Selectadisc in Berwick Street - satisfies most of my
> record-buying needs, good selection at reasonable prices, and the
> only place
> I've seen _Hawkwind Family Tree_ for sale - but I'm sure Mike will chip in
> with his fifty-strong list of second-hand shops ;)
> -- Andy
> ObCD: Neko Case and her Boyfriends - _Furnace Room Lullaby_

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