Huw rejoins

Kirsten Procter kprocter at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Mon Aug 6 09:19:42 EDT 2001

On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Bill & Cynthia wrote:

> I happen to like Dragons and Fables, Sleep of A Thousand Tears and  Sword of
> the East. Good guitar stuff. And the album "This Is Hawkwind - Do Not Panic"
> is great.
> A lot of fans discovered Hawkwind during Huw's time with them in the
> eighties, with Levitation (the album) being their initiation.
 <nod> It was the first HW vinyl I bought and I love it. Would still be
better with that nice Mr. House on, of course :)

> Anyway, whose to say that Huw's involvement with them will be similar to the
> 80's. Hawkwind have this knack of moving musically forward.

 Exactly. And it's about time something were done. I mean,
Spacebrock? Well, it'd be alright if it were totally reworked so that
it sounded entirely different. IMHO, naturally - YMMV.

 But last time I saw Huw he was captivating, brilliant. I want more of
that.  Who wouldn't?

Kirsten Procter                                                         ghoti
NP: Hawkwind - Levitation

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