HW: Sam Fox CD?

Andy Gilham email at ANDYGILHAM.COM
Wed Aug 15 10:38:35 EDT 2001

> I thought the planned double with the Mistress of the Universe was to be a
> re-released (remixed?) "21st Century Fox"?

This is the bit from http://www.samfox.com/diary.shtml

(in the 21st Century).
What you have all been waiting for!
The repackaged, remixed 21st Century Fox album is about to hit the shops.

The album features a second disc (CD Rom) which contains video footage,
interviews and live footage of Sam in concert with Lemmy & Hawkwind.

Although it's still "about to hit the shops" according to the diary page,
they are taking orders for it so I guess it's actually available now...

Of course if you've already got the 21ST CENTURY FOX album you might fell a
bit cheesed off at having to buy it again ;)

-- Andy


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