HW: NIK: ICU Xmas gig

Jez Dacombe Jeremy at DACOMBE.FSNET.CO.UK
Tue Dec 18 19:01:37 EST 2001

What's the likelyhood of non-London ICU gigs in the foreseeable future?
Midlands specifically.
Unfortunately all the places I've seen ICU in Brum are now no more (no
coincidence, surely!).
Golden Eagle (80), Imperial Hotel (85 & 86), & Mermaid (Max Effect 86?).
Well done chaps!

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Pond <Steve at DOREMI.CO.UK>
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: NIK: OFF: ICU Xmas gig

> On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 19:46:23 -0000, you sent through the ether:
> Cheers Nick, we're bound to do more gigs.. too much fun not to really..
and on
> the Devant list they`re all complaining about how bad we are.. hehe..
> what do they know...
> >And nice bumping into Trev on the tube home too.
> Did he try & sell you a T shirt?
> -S.

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