The term "Heavy Metal"

Chip Hart chip at PCC.COM
Thu Feb 15 20:04:42 EST 2001

> >A few points:  'heavy metal' is a long established term in chemistry, it
> >was used by William Burroughs as far back as the 50s (a 'heavy metal kid'
> >was a typically Burroughsian twisted sci-fi creature, being someone with a
> >dependency on said substances), and appears in Steppenwolf's 'Born To Be
> >Wild' ('heavy metal thunder').

        ...fwiw, I once read a P.G. Wodehouse novel with the term
        "heavy metal" (to describe a "tough guy"), dating the term to
        the late 30s!

        Just an aside :-)

Chip Hart                           *                        chip @
Physician's Computer Company        *    
1 Main Street                       *                     Work:800-722-7708
Winooski, VT 05404                  *                     Fax: 802-846-8178

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