OFF: Re: HW: Question for Dave regarding use of music for Dr. Who

M Holmes fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Thu Jan 25 06:49:24 EST 2001

Maxine Wesley writes:

> Having never heard of Morden I strayed onto the B5 (Babylon 5) wesite &
> ascertained this:
> Morden was executed by Londo Mollari. A member of the same
> expedition Sheridan's wife was on, Morden worked for the Shadows.
> He wasoften accompanied by one or two of them, though they're
> invisible to most people."  (no photo was available!!!) "Never a major
> player, he was always ready to talk to Londo and pass messages to and
> from his "associates." Morden was meticulously polite, but nonetheless
> was a menacing presence who could casually discuss the deaths of tens
> of thousands of Narn as easily as most people talk about the weather.
> He was involved with dealings between Shadows and the corrupt Earth
> government as well."
> Doesn't sound like such a bad egg.....

The cunning thing of course is that he really wasn't. He did the sales
spiel for the Shadows in the vein of a car salesman "Hey, Ambassador
Londo. Want to completely destroy several Narn planets; bomb their
homeword into the stoneage; gain fame and fortune; become Emperor of
Centari Prime? Well, just walk this way..."

Well no. He simply asked "What do you want?" and of course the above is
what Londo thought he wanted.

That "minor character" comment is a major calumny IMHO. The Shadows were
menacing precisely because just about all you saw of them was this
polite, if not amiable, character, and some wicked looking spacecraft
that could slice'n'dice just about everything in the galaxy.


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