OFF: Re: HW: Question for Dave regarding use of music for Dr. Who

Layla Thompson lthompson3 at UCLAN.AC.UK
Fri Jan 26 06:56:05 EST 2001

I don't have a problem with Dr Who, I was always a bit of a fan of that myself!! It's just that when I first signed on, I was sent a mail of the 'rules and regulations' and in it it said that if anyone started to talk about an unrelated subject, the message would just be deleted, and therefore not be sent to the people on the mailing list. So I got a tad confused......

>>> akomins at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU 01/25/01 05:13pm >>>
On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Layla Thompson wrote:

:Hiya, I just joined the mailing list. And I don't know why everyone is suddenly talking about Dr Who??
:I don't quite understand what bearing it has on our Hawklords??????
:Could someone help me out here, please?.....


Sorry, that's 'cause a bunch of us are also sf fans ;-)

Though, we tend to mark appropriately (OFF:), so if you
just want to stick with the HW material, set the listserv
to only give you HW material.

to do so, just send a message to listserv at
with a message body of:


(accepted topics are BOC, NIK, OTHER, ALL, BRAIN, and HW)


Arin Komins                            akomins at
Web Systems Administrator
University of Chicago/NSIT                      tel: (773)834-4087
1155 E. 60th St. #302B Chicago, IL 60637        fax: (773)702-0559

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