HW: New(ish) song

Michael Crook m.j.crook at TALK21.COM
Fri Jan 26 17:56:45 EST 2001

Cheers Bernhard,
Extremely helpful as always. I'd love to know who wrote it.
I really hope this gets released some day, the afternoon session was unbelievable with lots of improvisation. I even thought I heard 'The White Zone ' at one point. A double CD for Passport Holders would be perfect.


> Hi Mick
>At 21:21 26.01.2001 +0000, you wrote:
>Going back to the Eclipse Party in '99, HW did a really cool new >number
>during the evening session but I don't Know what it was >called. It started
>with some gentle guitar work from Jerry and then >sort of built up into a
>powerful song with a superb, even classic >Brock riff in the middle. The
>only lyrics I can remeber Ron singing >were somthing like 'aniseed flavour'
>but I might be wrong. Anyone >know its title and who wrote it? I was hoping
>it would appear on >SpaceBrock but its not on it .
>This song is called ANNA SEED
>Here is the complete track listing:
>11.08.1999, CARLEEN, WEDDING PARTY, 90min. (evening gig)
>earth calling / aerospaceage inferno / wage war / motorway city / assault &
>battery / golden void / alchemie / anna seed / arrival in utopia / poem /
>hassan i sahba / space is their / hassan i sahba / love in space /
>brainstorm / in your area / brainstorm / ejection / gremlin

May there always be starlight on the path...Burnham Jr.

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