BOC / HW: Test - ignore

Joe Loehr JLoehr4299 at AOL.COM
Sun Jul 8 10:03:16 EDT 2001

In a message dated 7/6/01 7:53:12 PM US Eastern Standard Time,

> 6. The lovely Gillian did me the great honour the other day of agreeing to
> become Mrs Lockwood.  There's a picture of the most beautiful woman in the
> world

Congrats! She's a doll!!

> 7.  Since I've been living with the aforementioned Gillian, my stereo seems
> to have developed a major fault.  I can be listening to "Quark, Strangeness
> and Charm", then I go to make Gill a coffee.  I get back into the living
> room and discover that the stereo has mysteriously retuned itself to
> "Dancing Through The 80's With 'Disco' Bloody Danny Petroni".  If anyone has
> any ideas for a fix, they'd be much appreciated.
I would suggest that anytime you leave the room, you take the lovely Gillian
with you, as the spirits that are futzing with the stereo are EVIL
INCARNATE!!!!! It wouldn't do to leave her unprotected.
To exorcise them, I would suggest a complete playing of all Hawkwind and BOC
music at full volume. The sonic onslaught of such superb music will drive
away any evil (disco) spirits. Always works for me!


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