OFF: White Noise (was Re: BOC-L Digest - 10 Jul 2001 to 11 Jul 2001 (#2001-278))

William Duffy xl5 at IINET.NET.AU
Wed Jul 11 10:03:21 EDT 2001

> >Would that have been Electric Heat ?  I only ask because
> >it's only album I've ever seen and that was many many many
> >moons past.
> Almost. The first album is "An Electric Storm" and is well worth getting
> hold of (but it *is* extremely odd). Hard to describe, so I'll quote the
> blurb from the sleeve:
> "Many sounds have never been heard - by humans: some sound waves you don't
> hear - but they reach you. 'Storm-stereo' techniques combine singers,
> instrumentalists and complex electronic sound. The emotional intensity is
> a maximum."
> I kid you not. Says it all, really! Don't know if it ever made it to CD. I
> also have the second album  - the imaginatively-titled "White Noise II"
> (circa 1975, I think).

The full title was "White Noise II - Concerto For Synthesizer by David

 > I haven't heard this in years but recall it being
> absolutely dreadful. There is also a White Noise III from the 80's (or
> 90's?) I believe, but I never bothered with that given the travesty of the
> second. Hope that helps.

The 3rd album, "Re-Entry", came out in 1980, & I quite like it (bought the
2nd one after, but probably only heard it once or twice?). "Re-Entry" is
more in the style of Larry Fast's Synergy albums, & had one track in
particular, "Time Traveller", that would make a great replacement theme for
"Doctor Who".

I believe there is also a fourth album (and maybe even fifth?)


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