OFF: More on Alchemysts tour

K Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Fri Jul 13 09:48:41 EDT 2001

New update on you live in or near any of the
cities mentioned, go to their webpage for details on the gigs.  Well, no
details on the four cities at the bottom, but...

Oh, Mike already said something about the Philly show, 8/6-7 I think.

Apparently not coming back to Ohio.  Crap.

Grakkl (FAA)

ALCHEMYSTS ARRIVE IN THE STATES! Several updates have been made to the tour
schedule. The San Francisco date will now be at the Pound-SF. Atlanta and
Chapel Hill dates have been added in August with Simeon of the Silver Apples
(and Alchemysts & Simeon) fame.  Other towns in the works for August are
Richmond, Philadelphia, Providence and Northhampton.

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