HW:U.S.A.F.T.S. "Dragonfly"

M Holmes fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Mon Jun 4 06:41:38 EDT 2001

Bill & Cynthia writes:

> Hi Mike
> I do know that the above mentioned album is a double album. I've had this
> album for so long it's starting to fossilize so who to say how readily
> available the USAFTS album was when I got "Firefly."
> Maybe the Dragonfly release that I have is the Jefferson Starship side of
> the HW/JS USAFTS album. It does say on the album that it was released
> previously and gives that serial number of the previous release.
> Maybe someone on the list can give the serial number of the "real" album and
> see if it matches the serial number that IS mentioned on the album. Then I
> will know if it's the JS side of the USAFTS album.

The US Forces album has 4 tracks from Hall of the Mountain Grill on one
side and some tracks from Jefferson Airplane on the other side.

I really doubt that it's called "Dragonfly". Odds are that it doesn't
have a title.

Maybe it's similar to the BBC disks in that they were made for radio
broadcast to forces serving overseas and then smashed for copyright
reasons or stashed by DJ's with an eye to the future.

Is there a Jefferson Airplane list we could post to ask if they know any
more than we do?


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